No matter where you are, a new destination is never far away. Even exploring your own backyard can take on a whole new meaning with a little shift in perspective. After all, travel is a state of mind.
You don’t necessarily have to travel great distances to feel that sense of exploration and wonder. You can have adventures anywhere, whether that means attempting a new hobby or activity, going for a countryside stroll, or simply rediscovering your own neighborhood and learning the history of your surroundings.
Your own backyard & beyond
Have you ever been somewhere completely foreign or unique, and you find that every little detail around you seems fascinating? Try applying this perspective to your own community, and imagine you’re seeing it for the first time. You’ll quickly see details and beauty that you have become blind to by routine exposure.
Try walking your surroundings with the sole purpose of exploration all while avoiding distractions like your phone. Don’t just glance at your environment as you stroll…take it in as though you don’t know where you are. If you’ve lived somewhere your whole life, think about what you would recommend a visitor to see. Think of what you’d want to show off about your community – think unique locations such as parks, beaches, lakes, or other natural features.
The great outdoors
Cabin fever is no fun. It’s essential to your physical and mental wellbeing to get up, get outdoors, and get moving (in a safe manner)! Your >MWR Outdoor Equipment Rental is a great resource for rentals as well as regional outdoor attractions—think kayaking, paddle boarding, hiking, camping, swimming, rafting, canoeing, and fishing.
TIP: To get a fresh perspective of what it’s like to be a tourist in your town or city, visit your city’s commerce and tourist websites. There you’ll typically find trustworthy regional destinations that you may have missed. You may be surprised what’s hidden in plain sight!